Dissertation Defense: Cross scale assessment of environmental variation on the rabies virus reservoir Desmodus rotundus

Dissertation Defense: Cross scale assessment of environmental variation on the rabies virus reservoir Desmodus rotundus
Paige Van de Vuurst McClure
Graduate Student, Translational Biology, Medicine, and Health
Graduate Research Assistant, Escobar Lab
December 5, 2024, at 11:00a.m.
Room 118, Steger Hall
About this Dissertation
Anthropogenic impacts on the natural world are a topic of continued assessment and scientific concern. Human activity has been shown to impact multiple ecological components, with changes to disease dynamics caused by human activity being linked to disease emergence and pandemic risk. In Latin America the rabies virus (RABV) is regularly transmitted by the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus). Rabies virus is extremely lethal, killing nearly 100% of infected individuals. Desmodus rotundus is a sanguivorous (blood feeding) species that can easily transmit RABV to their prey during normal feeding behaviors, thus acting as a wildlife reservoir and known host for the virus. Previous research has found that vampire bat transmitted RABV has increased in prevalence and geographic distribution in association with changes to landscape and climate. As such, the vampire bat RABV disease system exemplifies many of the factors identified as foundational to the broader elucidation of disease emergence from pathogens of wildlife origin. The goal of this dissertation was to assess how environmental variation associated with human activity may impact wildlife hosts at the population level, the impacts of landscape factors on spillover transmission risk, and the boarder climatic drivers of host distribution across a continent. In doing so, this cross-scale assessment filled key research gaps in our current understanding of emerging infectious diseases of bat origin.
More About the Candidate and Project
- Education and Training
- Committee Members
- Publications and Presentations
- Honors and Awards and Service
Virginia Tech, Translational Biology, Medicine, and Health, Ph.D. Candidate
Virginia Tech, M.S. Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Samford University, B.S. Biology
Graduate Research Assistant, Escobar Lab
Luis E. Escobar, Ph.D., Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics
Committee Members
- Julia Gohlke, Ph.D., Professor, VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine
- Cassidy Rist, DVM, MPH, DACVPM, Associate Director, Center for Public and Corporate Veterinary Medicine
- Eric Hallerman, Ph.D., Professor, College of Natural Resources and Environment
- Andrea Bertke, Ph.D., Associate Professor, VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine
• Van de Vuurst, P. Hallerman, E., Bertke, A. & Escobar, LE. (2024). Population and landscape genetics of vampire bats in Colombia.
• Van de Vuurst, P. Qiao, H. Soler-Tovar, D, Escobar, LE (2023). Climate change linked to vampire bat expansion and pathogen-spillover risk. Ecography. Published October 2023.
• Van de Vuurst, P. & Alexander, KA (2023). Identifying social behaviors related to disease transmission of Mycobacterium mungi in Banded Mongoose from accelerometer data. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. Published July 2023.
• Van de Vuurst, P. & Escobar, LE. (2023). Climate change and infectious disease: A review of evidence and trends. Infectious Diseases of Poverty. Published May 2023.
• Magalhães, A.R. Codeço, C.T., Svenning, J.C., Escobar, L.E., Van de Vuurst, P. and Gonçalves-Souza, T. (2023). Neglected tropical diseases risk correlates with poverty and early ecosystem destruction. Infectious Diseases of Poverty. Published March 2023.
• Escobar, LE, Velasco-Villa, A, Satheshkumar, PS, Nakazawa, Y, & Van de Vuurst, P. (2023). Revealing the complexity of rabies “spillover transmission”: A commentary. Infectious Diseases of Poverty. Published February 2023.
• Van de Vuurst, P. Diaz, M. Rodriguez-San Pedro, A. Allendes, J.L. Brown, N. Gutierrez, J.D. Zarza, H. Oliveira, S. Cárdenas-Canales, E. Barquez, R. Escobar, L.E. (2022). A database of common vampire bat reports. Scientific Data. Published February 2022.
• Van de Vuurst, P., Moore, SA, Isaac, EJ, Ibrahim, YC, Wolf, TM, and Escobar, LE (2021). Reconstructing landscapes of ungulate predation. Current Zoology. Published August 2021.
• Van de Vuurst, P. and Escobar, LE. Perspective: Climate change and the relocation of Indonesia’s capital to Borneo. (2020). Frontiers in Earth Science. Published March 2020.
• Van de Vuurst, P., Rojas-Serano, Z., Soler-Tovar, D. Madina-Rodriguez, A., Osejo-Varona, A., & Escobar, LE. (2024). Rabies spillover risk from vampire bats to livestock in Colombia. Revista Cordoba. Submitted September 2024.
• Van de Vuurst, P., Gohlke, JM., & Escobar, LE. (2024). Vampire bats, emerging disease, and future climate change. Scientific Reports. Submitted October 2024. Talty, C. E., Murphy, S., Desai, S., & VandeVord, P. (2024). Manifestation of chronic depression-like behavior and glutamatergic signaling alterations in female rats following traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma.
Norris, C., Murphy, S. F., Talty, C.-E., & Vandevord, P. J. (2024). Spatial intracranial pressure fields driven by blast overpressure in rats. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 1-14.
Invited Guest Lectures
• Kurry, C. & Van de Vuurst, P. (2024). WSPID Pediatric Infectious Diseases in the Age of Climate Change: Research Trends and Mitigation Strategies. World Society of Pediatric Infectious Disease Webinar, Virtual Webinar.
• Van de Vuurst, P. (2024). Vampire Bats and One Health: How ecologists play a role in disease research. Howell-McLaughlin Annual Lecture Series, Samford University, Birmingham, AL.
• Van de Vuurst, P. & Escobar, L.E. (2023). Climate Change and Neglected Tropical Disease: A review of evidences and research trends. International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases Climate and Health Conference. Virtual Plenary Session.
• Van de Vuurst, P. & Escobar, L.E. (2023). Climate Change and Infectious Diseases. 13th World Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Conference, Durban, South Africa.
• Van de Vuurst, P. & Shew, A. (2023). Environmental Bioethics and Climate Change. Graduate lecture in “Issues in Bioethics”, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
• Van de Vuurst, P. & Telionis, A. (2023). Disease Emergence and Spillover Risks. Graduate lecture in “Infectious Disease Epidemiology”, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
• Van de Vuurst, P. (2023). Logistic Regression in Wildlife Epidemiology. Undergraduate lecture in “Wildlife Epidemiology”, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
• Van de Vuurst, P. (2023). Using and Cleaning Data From GBIF. Graduate lecture in “Advanced Biogeography and Macroecology”, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
• Van de Vuurst, P. (2022). Climate Change, sinking cities, and areas of risk: The implications of Indonesia's capital transition. Presented at Munich Technical University Environmental Lecture Series. Virtual Lecture.
• Shew, A. & Van de Vuurst, P. (2022). Disability and Environmentalism. Presented: Environmental Coalition Meeting, Virginia Tech. Blacksburg, VA.
• Theberg, K., Van de Vuurst, P., McPhail, D., Holcombe, B., & Dorsey, S. (2022). How the Fish & Wildlife Graduate Student Association is Advancing Diversity. Presented: Virginia Tech Annual Advancing Diversity Gathering. Blacksburg, VA.
• Van de Vuurst, P. (2021). Rabies Virus in Wildlife. Guest lecture presented for the Virginia Cooperative Extension educational outreach program. Virtual Lecture.
Scientific Presentations
• Van de Vuurst, P. & Luis Escobar. (2024). Climate Change and Infectious Diseases: A Review of Evidence. Presented: ADA Innovate International Conference on the Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change: 200 Years since Joseph Fourier, Cardiff, United Kingdom. (Talk)
• Van de Vuurst, P., Rist, C., Medina-Rodriguez, T., Osejo-Varona, A.F., & Escobar, L.E. (2024). Identifying key factors that facilitate rabies virus spillover from bats to cattle in Colombia. Presented: International Biogeographic Society Biennial International Conference 2024, Prague, Czechia. (Poster)
• Van de Vuurst, P., Rist, C., Medina-Rodriguez, T., Osejo-Varona, A.F., & Escobar, L.E. (2023). Identifying key factors that facilitate rabies virus spillover from bats to cattle in Colombia. Presented: Center for Emerging, Zoonotic, and Arthropod-Borne Pathogens Annual Research Symposium 2023. Blacksburg, Virginia. (Poster)
• Van de Vuurst, P. & Escobar, L.E. (2023). Climate Change and Infectious Disease: A Review of Evidence. Presented: Translational Biology, Medicine, and Health Annual Research Symposium 2023. Roanoke, Virginia. (Poster)
• Van de Vuurst, P. & Escobar, L.E. (2022). Research Equity in Climate Change and Disease Research. Presented: Center for Emerging, Zoonotic, and Arthropod-Borne Pathogens Annual Research Symposium 2022. Blacksburg, Virginia. (Talk)
• Van de Vuurst, P. & Escobar, L.E. (2022). Defining “Spillover Transmission” and Future Avenues of Research. Presented: Center for Emerging, Zoonotic, and Arthropod-Borne Pathogens Annual Research Symposium 2022. Blacksburg, Virginia. (Talk)
• Van de Vuurst, P. & Escobar, L.E. (2022). Social Justice and Infectious Disease Research: We Are Not There Yet. Presented: Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases International Conference. Atlanta, Georgia. (Poster)
• Van de Vuurst, P. Qiao, H., and & Escobar, L.E. (2022). Climate change effects on wildlife-disease reservoirs: The emblematic case of wildlife rabies. Presented: The Wildlife Society of Virginia 2022 Annual Meeting. Waynesboro, Virginia. (Talk)
• Van de Vuurst, P. & Soler-Tovar, D. (2021). An updated database of common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) occurrence data for ecological, public health, and epidemiological research. Presented: XXXII Rabies in the Americas Annual Conference Poster Contest, Brazil. (Poster)
• Van de Vuurst, P., Qiao, H., & Escobar, L.E. (2021). Resolving the Distributional Ecology of Desmodus rotundus Under Climate Change. Presented: XXXII Rabies in the Americas Annual Conference. Brazil. (Poster)
Honors and Awards
• 2024 Sally Bohland Award for Innovative Service
• Roanoke Outreach Flip the Fair Scientific Communication first place winner: Results 2023
• Excellence in Oral Presentation Award: Center for Emerging, Zoonotic, and Arthropod-Borne Pathogens Annual Research Symposium 2022
• Climate Justice Sub-Committee member and Graduate Student Advisor (2022-present), Virginia Tech.
• Fish and Wildlife Graduate Student Association Graduate Student Senate Representative (2022-2023), Virginia Tech.
• Fish and Wildlife Graduate Student Association Outreach Committee founding member (2021-present), Virginia Tech.
• Roanoke Graduate Student Association outreach committee member (2021-Present), Virginia Tech.
• Personal Transportation Device Working Group: Graduate Representative (2022-2023), Virginia Tech.
• Fish and Wildlife Graduate Student Association Sub-committee member (2020-present) and Co-chair on Diversity Equity and Inclusion (2020-2022), Graduate and Professional Student Senate Representative (2022-2023), Virginia Tech.
• Disability Alliance and Caucus at Virginia Tech: Active student member and liaison for the college of natural resources and environment. Vice President 2021-2022, Treasurer 2023-2024.